I just came across this amazing video created by Holstee and I just had to share it. Although the video is about cyclists in NYC celebrating their lives by living this manifesto, I think the lessons from the video apply to each and everyone of us. The video encourages us to take charge of our lives and become our own super-hero's. A concept I hold very very dear to me.
I recently read this article by Nilofer Merchant where she too talks about how obsessed our society is with finding "The One'. The idea of living in the footsteps of a leader is drilled in to our heads through history-books, through religion, through sports teams and corporate cultures. We as a society love to idealise.
And Whilst there is nothing wrong with looking outside for inspiration, very few people rarely walk to the beat of their own drum. Nilofer in her article, rightly gives the example of Steve Jobs and why he was such a charismatic person. She says "He(Steve Jobs) didn’t study other people; he followed his own passions. He didn’t seek meaning by trying to emulate someone else’s life, or even emulating the winning business practices of his day – as I’ve written before, he created a clarity of purpose for himself. The same principle can apply to all of us.
Certainly, we need inspiration to show us examples of clear purpose. But I wonder what happens in a world where we each figure out why we do what we do and we can live and work from that place. We might refocus on our own work and the community with which we get that work done. We might learn todefine success in our own terms."
Here's hoping we all start dancing to our own tunes rather than what everyone else thinks we should be dancing too.
its real tuf to do.. cuz you look for inspirations and achievements.. wen you look upto someone.. and if you compare yourself to other people who are in diff. industries then you look much smaller... how can you compare yourself?? with them?? :)
Dear Happy_nirvana, firstly welcome to the community. In answer to your question, I once read this quote - "Don't compare your insides, with someone else's outsides" . Which only means that quite often, we compare our inner turmoils to other peoples smooth calm exteriors.
Whilst comparison by itself is a good tool to push yourself to be a better person, it is almost always not a nurturing push. Imagine if the sparrow looked at the eagle and said, why can't I fly so high. The poor sparrow would spend all its life thinking it is stupid instead of embracing the things it was really meant to do.
Interesting isn't it?!
Brilliant brilliant.
Will share this on my blog as well.
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http://www.alearningaday.com/2011/11/infinite-inspirations.html :)
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