I sit here, watching the rain pitter patter
against the wings of the pigeons that waddle along the streets of Melbourne.
Fat on Mcdonalds, I wonder if our lives are really much different to theirs? A
constant scramble for food…for survival? Establishing a pecking order and
sticking to it, until some renegade decides to break it. He will be rewarded in
isolation or kinship and heroism. Why are rewards so polar? Or would a better
question be –are rewards polar only when we care about them??
People walking by…all lost in their own
worlds, with things to accomplish, jobs to do, coffees to drink, friends to
meet. When will anyone stop to appreciate the rain? The madness? the beauty of
the chaos that is life?
I sit here sipping a coffee that is way too
sweet. I shouldn’t drink anymore of it, and yet I feel obliged to. Worth 4$ a
cup, I find it hard to justify I bought it to decorate the inside of a garbage
bin in misty brown and white. Why do I do this to myself ??
Rohini! I was in Sydney for the past couple of months - wish we had met.
Only here for a couple more weeks.. but if you pop over to this side by any chance, do let me know! :)
Aw. That would have indeed been nice. I hope you enjoy your stay in sydney - and maybe our paths will cross when your traverse through the motherland?! :)
Thanks Rahul! Its crazy how two people can be on different continents and yet understand/identify with the thoughts of the other :)
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