Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Judged or Ignored?

So I went to an interview last afternoon, and as exciting as it was, it was also really scary. Here were a group of people judging me (and my entire life/set of experiences )based on a 15 minute presentation. I walked away feeling like I hadn't done justice to conveying my potential...and consequently was a little bit sad.

But that was exactly when I read this amazing post by Seth Godin:

(being judged and Ignored) Those are pretty much the only two choices.

Being judged is uncomfortable. Snap judgments, prejudices, misinformation... all of these, combined with not enough time (how could there be) to truly know you, means that you will inevitably be misjudged, underestimated (or overestimated) and unfairly rejected.

The alternative, of course, is much safer. To be ignored.

Up to you.

I choose judged over ignored any day...and I really hope you do too!


Rohan said...

The word that came to mind when I read that post was 'badass'. Seth is brilliant.

DENIZ said...

Its so true that people tend to judje anyway either by missjudjing or evaluate you at your real out -put.The thing is bettwr be judjed then ignored.;)